Sweet Fire´ s




Sweet Fire´s Faye

Geboren am : 10.04.2021

Farbe: chocolate tortie + white (carrier of Burma point and blotched classic)

DRX h 09

Augenfarbe: grün

Blutgruppe: A/b

Vater: CH. Ivo Ardenia

DRX b 09 21 32

Mutter: Sweet fire´s Bernise

DRX f 03

Genetic Test

Burmese Hypokalaemia: Normal

Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome (CMS): Normal

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD1): Normal

Coat Length M3: N/N

Coat Length M4:  N/M4

Dilute Coat Colour: no Carrier of Dilute



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